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2019년 7월 28일 a failure and me

by manydifferent 2019. 7. 28.

나는 자주 내가 실패했다고 생각한다.

어느 것 하나도 내가 만족할만한 성과를 내지 못했다는 느낌이 들 때, 내가 꾸준히 해내던 일들을 더 이상 하지 않게 되었을 때,

내 삶의 의미가 아주 없어져버린 것 처럼 나는 생각한다.


Is this a worthy idea? Is this a right thing to think? What if there's no such thing as a failure?


Let me bring a simple question. untill we're dead, we could try something whatever again and again.

and if we've done something which we could possblely think as a failure, Which would be the right thing to think as a complete failure or as a just attempt on the progress?


My answer is that "Will the next attempt be made?" because when I try once more, my past failure is no longer just a failure. It's just an attempt like other bunch of attempts in the past.


For example, I've worked out at the Gym for a few weeks. I like the feeling of aching body after working out. It surely refreshs me. when I'm working out regularly, the positive motivation makes me keep doing it. but if I stop working out for some reason, the working out routines collapses. So, I don't work out more, the feeling of aching body what makes me feel good doesn't happen more. positive effects ends little by little. and finally I start to think that 'stoped to work out is a complete failure. probably I can't work out again because I'm lazy and don't have patience. I'm loser.'


This kind of thing happens often whenever I'm trying to do something. If a failure is no longer just a failure when it's with another attempt, I'd say it's the right way to accept my failure as 'a speical attempt'. So, the thing is how to get back the routine that I was thying to do, not the thinking that 'I'm loser'. because like I said, There is no such thing as a failure. I'm able to try again in most cases, when i try to do once more, the failure what I made is no longer failure.

2019.07.28  p.m 1:13
